Inspired Cuisine
Special Notes:
* Nonreactive metals are stainless steel and tin (including tin-lined copper).
Reactive metals are ones that contains metals that might interact with certain foods such as aluminum, aluminum foil, cast iron, glazed pottery, and unlined copper are all examples of reactive materials. Always avoid cooking acidic foods such as ingredients with wine or tomato sauces in pans like these, as the metal can alter the color and flavor of the dish.
** “Fond” is French for "base" and refers to the browned bits and caramelized drippings of meat and vegetables that are stuck to the bottom of a pan after browning, sautéing or roasting. Use fond to flavor and deglaze with La Cuisine Chef’s Wine.
Recipe Inspirations (Inspired Cuisine) Using La Cuisine Chef’s Wine (cooking wine / wine for cooking) in Rice Recipes, Sautés & Stir-Fries, Soups & Stews, Steamed Seafood, Seafood Boils, Gravies, Sauces & Reductions, Stock & Broths, Poaching, Marinades, Brines, Braises, Desserts. Recipe Inspirations Using La Cuisine Chef's Wine (because it’s not your typical cooking wine); it's your Wine for Cooking, it’s Infused Cooking Wine without artificial preservatives, colors or flavors.